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Exhibition Photography + Haiku  ~  Hospital Rivierenland, Tiel

'Heartspaces'  :  Nature-reflections in image and haiku. Space to just be, in open attention.
Through the Cardiology-visits, joining my father, I got inspired for this expo.
It started with this triptych 'Heartspace', in which the roots of my father as a farmer came along.
The cabbage is here a metaphor for the human heart.
He now lives with a hugh farmers garden in this beautiful Betuwe. 

'Nature-scenes'  :  Photo 8 gives more info.
A part of the artproject "The Thin Line", in which I invited my good friend Peterjan Steinfort.
The proces of (among others) my guidance of him, in his wish to stop his medication for manic depression.  A vulnerable and difficult, but evenso an inspiring, wide and thankful proces. In it a lot of creative expression (photography & text/haiku) that I initiated, together and alone. Comforting, gladdening and clarifying.

Curlylight ART :
All pieces from this website:
  For both inspiration, ánd for sale. 
There is the option for a monthly payment, to make it easier.

Be Welcome, also, to watch the art at my AppARTment, home-gallery.
  Also this Tiel-series.